Responsible Betting in Las Vegas por @atomix


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  • En aquellos lejanos días del 2007, CiMSP - Network! dio sus primeros pasos tras la despedida de la Comunidad y Hosting de ATOMIX - DATA CENTER (2003 ~ 2007), antes conocido como {IO} IMPERIuM ~ ONLine (1994 ~ 2003). Desde el principio, marcamos nuestra presencia con fuerza: un Staff dedicado, un generoso presupuesto y actualizaciones anuales que renovaban nuestro diseño, sitio y logo de manera inquebrantable. Con más de 80 Servidores de Juegos (con más 154mil Membre$ías PREMIUM durante el 2011), Eventos mensuales, Torneos físicos y en línea #cimsp paso a ingresar en el TOP 1 (Argentina), TOP 3 (América Latina) y TOP 7 (Mundial) de Comunidades de Counter-Strike en muy pocas semanas, y se mantuvo así por años.

    Oficialmente, en 2015, #cimsp dejó de recibir actualizaciones abruptamente. El cierre repentino del hosting que albergaba todos nuestros recursos (No fue Atomix), incluyendo Backups, y la pérdida de IP's numéricas con 8 años de antigüedad, representó un desafío. A pesar de la adversidad y sin el respaldo de un Staff o capital externo, logramos levantar nuestro propio Hosting en 2020, justo dos meses antes de la pandemia. Este acto de resiliencia provocó un pequeño resurgimiento de la Comunidad, pasando de 0 a 260,896 Players activos, una cifra que nos abrió las puertas para recibir nuevamente el respaldo financiero de nuestra agencia madre en 2024, incluso después de cerrar el 2023 con 76,158 usuarios. Esto se debe a que lograron comprender que con recursos limitados, nosotros, el equipo de #cimsp, hemos logrado mucho. Ahora, imaginen lo que podríamos alcanzar con una inversión que nos garantice un futuro estable.

    Hoy, nos emociona anunciar que no estamos solos en este nuevo capítulo y que seremos parte de la dirección de un conglomerado de Comunidades especializadas en diferentes juegos, siempre respaldados y apoyados por PREL - Agency. Este 2024 promete ser un año lleno de crecimiento y oportunidades para todos nosotros. Y No se trata solo de abrir más Servidores (aunque los habrá), esta vez decidimos multiplicar la apuesta x1000. Así que únete a la evolución de #cimsp y sé parte de esta emocionante etapa junto a nosotros!

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8 Ene 2018
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Responsible Betting in Nevada Perhaps one of the most popular techniques to play poker is to see with one. This is the only path to play with poker. But since the expression goes, practice makes perfect and you will certainly figure out if you’re able to grow to be a profitable poker player, when you play poker in vegas at the casino. Dining table games can be the method. It’s true that many casino games involve money and gambling is included. But the betting can be fun and different pursuits can be also offered by the casino. The games on […]

Responsible Betting in NevadaPerhaps one of the most popular techniques to play poker is to see with one. This is the only path to play with poker. But since the expression goes, practice makes perfect and you will certainly figure out if you’re able to grow to be a profitable poker player, when you play poker in vegas at the casino.Dining table games can be the method. It’s true that many casino games involve money and gambling is included. But the betting can be fun and different pursuits can be also offered by the casino.The games on the slot-machines will demand no money read the article whatsoever. But if you are a poker player, then you would also prefer to gamble without no money in any respect. In casino playing no money is a good idea.Might opt to play a table game instead of gambling. However, the majority of the casinos in Las Vegas offer dining table games such as blackjack, craps, blackjack, roulette, poker, baccarat, and gaming cards. You might well be able to get table games or you could well be able to play for cash.The casinos also offer additional casino games like blackjack, keno, and poker. Entrance that is free is allowed by A number of the casino games and you also may have to pay for a few. Some of the slot machines pay out or offer prizes.Some casinos offer you numerous free slots such as slot machines and the casinos also have additional games to playwith. The casinos offer you slots for most people of all ages, and games such as games for both children and adults. Even games such as sports betting are located at the casinos at Las Vegas. The casinos have dining table games in addition to dining table games. Some casinos offer you free drama as well as on-site games. The amount of free playdepends upon the sort of game and also the casino.The table games that you can play with are ordinarily in the halls. Those tables have been intended to give gaming and table games. By way of instance, the poker room is utilized to have pleasure with conversation and drinks. The hall usually includes plenty of tables with seats, tables and chairs, and much more.Sometimes the gambling halls may not have lots of tables. Yet, you can still find gaming games and other betting in vegas. The rooms that are betting have a plethora of games including blackjack baccarat, and roulette.Many casinos offer casino games, at least game. Several of the tables will have. Tables could involve similar games, such as bingo or bowling.Whether you play table games and also the casino games, you can get pleasure in vegas. The casino could offer fun to you. The casinos will have the very best games, including baccarat, and other games.

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