Problema con el sxe injected 15.2


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  • En aquellos lejanos días del 2007, CiMSP - Network! dio sus primeros pasos tras la despedida de la Comunidad y Hosting de ATOMIX - DATA CENTER (2003 ~ 2007), antes conocido como {IO} IMPERIuM ~ ONLine (1994 ~ 2003). Desde el principio, marcamos nuestra presencia con fuerza: un Staff dedicado, un generoso presupuesto y actualizaciones anuales que renovaban nuestro diseño, sitio y logo de manera inquebrantable. Con más de 80 Servidores de Juegos (con más 154mil Membre$ías PREMIUM durante el 2011), Eventos mensuales, Torneos físicos y en línea #cimsp paso a ingresar en el TOP 1 (Argentina), TOP 3 (América Latina) y TOP 7 (Mundial) de Comunidades de Counter-Strike en muy pocas semanas, y se mantuvo así por años.

    Oficialmente, en 2015, #cimsp dejó de recibir actualizaciones abruptamente. El cierre repentino del hosting que albergaba todos nuestros recursos (No fue Atomix), incluyendo Backups, y la pérdida de IP's numéricas con 8 años de antigüedad, representó un desafío. A pesar de la adversidad y sin el respaldo de un Staff o capital externo, logramos levantar nuestro propio Hosting en 2020, justo dos meses antes de la pandemia. Este acto de resiliencia provocó un pequeño resurgimiento de la Comunidad, pasando de 0 a 260,896 Players activos, una cifra que nos abrió las puertas para recibir nuevamente el respaldo financiero de nuestra agencia madre en 2024, incluso después de cerrar el 2023 con 76,158 usuarios. Esto se debe a que lograron comprender que con recursos limitados, nosotros, el equipo de #cimsp, hemos logrado mucho. Ahora, imaginen lo que podríamos alcanzar con una inversión que nos garantice un futuro estable.

    Hoy, nos emociona anunciar que no estamos solos en este nuevo capítulo y que seremos parte de la dirección de un conglomerado de Comunidades especializadas en diferentes juegos, siempre respaldados y apoyados por PREL - Agency. Este 2024 promete ser un año lleno de crecimiento y oportunidades para todos nosotros. Y No se trata solo de abrir más Servidores (aunque los habrá), esta vez decidimos multiplicar la apuesta x1000. Así que únete a la evolución de #cimsp y sé parte de esta emocionante etapa junto a nosotros!


New member
8 Dic 2014

2014/12/09 13:45:27 - [CLT] -
2014/12/09 13:45:27 - [CLT] - sXe Injected starting...
2014/12/09 13:45:27 - [CLT] - version: 15.2 (Fix 4)
2014/12/09 13:45:27 - [CLT] - [C:\Archivos de programa\sXe Injected]
2014/12/09 13:45:28 - [CLT] - Administrator: Yes
2014/12/09 13:45:28 - [CLT] - Checking hosts file...
2014/12/09 13:45:28 - [CLT] - Checking hosts file done
2014/12/09 13:45:29 - [CLT] - Win XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 3) [0]
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - Processor Threads:1 Speed:2.66GHz
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - UAC Status: Disabled
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - DEP Status: Disabled
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] -
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - [ All your game are belong to us ]
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] -
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - Platform: x86 detected
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - Starting Device Driver
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - service [C:\Archivos de programa\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - Open manager OK
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - (1073)(El servicio especificado ya existe.

2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - Driver found, cleaning...
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - (2)(El sistema no puede hallar el archivo especificado.

2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - Create file error
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - * Stoping service
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - (1062)(No se ha iniciado el servicio.

2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - Control service error
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - * Service stopped
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - * Service deleted
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - (ERROR) Load error, try again -----------
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - * Cleaning
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - (1060)(El servicio especificado no existe como servicio instalado.

2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - Open service error
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - service [C:\Archivos de programa\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]
2014/12/09 13:45:30 - [CLT] - Open manager OK
2014/12/09 13:45:31 - [CLT] - Create Service OK
2014/12/09 13:45:31 - [CLT] - Start Service OK
2014/12/09 13:45:31 - [CLT] - Service ready
2014/12/09 13:45:31 - [CLT] - Trying to open device[1]...
2014/12/09 13:45:31 - [CLT] - Service Handle OK
2014/12/09 13:45:32 - [CLT] - [35][7C91D1AE]
2014/12/09 13:45:32 - [CLT] - [32][7C91D17E]
2014/12/09 13:45:32 - [CLT] - [74][7C91D59E]
2014/12/09 13:45:32 - [CLT] - [AD][7C91D92E]
2014/12/09 13:45:32 - [CLT] - [7A][7C91D5FE]
2014/12/09 13:45:32 - [CLT] - [D5][7C91DBAE]
2014/12/09 13:45:32 - [CLT] - [89][7C91D6EE]
2014/12/09 13:45:32 - [CLT] - [FE][7C91DE3E]
2014/12/09 13:45:34 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Archivos de programa\sXe Injected\sXe Injected.exe]
2014/12/09 13:45:34 - [CLT] - Waiting for game...
2014/12/09 13:45:38 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1392) injecting on PID (3164) -> (ALLOW)[1]
2014/12/09 13:45:38 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [3164][hl.exe]
2014/12/09 13:45:53 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\Archivos de programa\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
2014/12/09 13:45:56 - [CLT] - Injected OK
2014/12/09 13:45:59 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype\hl.exe]
2014/12/09 13:46:06 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 13:46:06 - [DLL] -------------------
2014/12/09 13:46:06 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
2014/12/09 13:46:06 - [DLL] -version: 15.2 (Fix 4)
2014/12/09 13:46:06 - [DLL] - **** Hooking method 2
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype]
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype]
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** CommandLine [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype\hl.exe -nomaster -game cstrike ]
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** Open success
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
2014/12/09 13:46:07 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
2014/12/09 13:46:08 - [DLL] - **** searching...
2014/12/09 13:46:08 - [DLL] - **** Waiting for game initialization...
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] - **** found...[201ae]
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] - **** Half-Life protocol 47
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] -hooking...
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] -result...[0]
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] - **** Message [0]
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] - **** Hooked
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] - **** Message S [0]
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] - **** Message SD [0]
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] - **** Message SS [0]
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] - **** Message SSD [0]
2014/12/09 13:46:19 - [DLL] - **** Message SSI [0]
2014/12/09 13:46:20 - [DLL] - **** Message SA [0]
2014/12/09 13:46:20 - [DLL] - **** Screening command[1]
2014/12/09 13:46:20 - [DLL] - **** Backup ready
2014/12/09 13:46:20 - [DLL] - **** ControlTime [246702]
2014/12/09 13:46:20 - [DLL] - **** Finish [3164]
2014/12/09 13:46:20 - [DLL] - **** Engine OK
2014/12/09 13:46:22 - [DLL] - **** Validations ready
2014/12/09 13:46:23 - [DLL] - **** Removing...
2014/12/09 13:46:23 - [DLL] - **** Removed
2014/12/09 13:46:23 - [DLL] - **** Removed
2014/12/09 13:46:23 - [DLL] - **** OGL success
2014/12/09 13:46:23 - [DLL] - **** Gateway installed
2014/12/09 13:46:23 - [DLL] - **** SET success
2014/12/09 13:46:23 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
2014/12/09 13:46:25 - [DLL] - **** FS
2014/12/09 13:46:25 - [DLL] - **** UPL
2014/12/09 13:46:25 - [DLL] - **** Modules OK
2014/12/09 13:46:25 - [DLL] - **** Sync OK
2014/12/09 13:46:32 - [DLL] - **** Scheduler done
2014/12/09 13:46:36 - [DLL] - **** Chain Up & Running
2014/12/09 13:46:38 - [DLL] - **** DEP Status: Disabled
2014/12/09 13:46:38 - [DLL] - **** READY .-
2014/12/09 13:46:41 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
2014/12/09 13:46:46 - [DLL] -[------------------------------------------]
2014/12/09 13:46:46 - [DLL] -Protocol version 47
2014/12/09 13:46:47 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
2014/12/09 13:46:47 - [DLL] -Exe build: 10:56:59 Oct 3 2005 (3266)

2014/12/09 13:46:47 - [DLL] -[------------------------------------------]
2014/12/09 13:46:47 - [DLL] - **** CMD REPLACED .-
2014/12/09 13:47:45 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 13:47:45 - [DLL] - **** Game bpp [32]
2014/12/09 13:47:46 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL version (2.1.2)
2014/12/09 13:47:46 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL vendor (NVIDIA Corporation)
2014/12/09 13:47:46 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL renderer(GeForce 6200/AGP/SSE2)
2014/12/09 13:47:51 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 13:47:52 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 13:47:52 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 13:47:54 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 13:47:55 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 13:47:56 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 13:47:56 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 13:48:09 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 13:48:11 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 13:48:12 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 13:48:12 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 13:52:35 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 13:52:39 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 13:52:42 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 13:52:42 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 13:56:09 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 13:56:13 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 13:56:13 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 13:56:13 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 14:05:08 - [DLL] -(ERROR) critical thread paused or killed!
2014/12/09 14:05:08 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 14:05:08 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 14:05:08 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 14:05:08 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 14:05:09 - [DLL] -If you experience problems using sXe Injected please contact [email protected]
2014/12/09 14:05:09 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 14:05:10 - [DLL] -Si estas experimentando problemas con el sXe Injected por favor contacta a [email protected]
2014/12/09 14:05:10 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 14:05:10 - [DLL] -Se você tiver problemas usando sXe Injected por favor contato [email protected]
2014/12/09 14:05:10 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 14:05:15 - [CLT] - Game closed with exit code (1)
2014/12/09 14:05:23 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1392) injecting on PID (2496) -> (ALLOW)[1]
2014/12/09 14:05:23 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [2496][hl.exe]
2014/12/09 14:05:25 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\Archivos de programa\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
2014/12/09 14:05:26 - [CLT] - Injected OK
2014/12/09 14:05:30 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype\hl.exe]
2014/12/09 14:05:38 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 14:05:38 - [DLL] -------------------
2014/12/09 14:05:38 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
2014/12/09 14:05:38 - [DLL] -version: 15.2 (Fix 4)
2014/12/09 14:05:38 - [DLL] - **** Hooking method 2
2014/12/09 14:05:39 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype]
2014/12/09 14:05:39 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype]
2014/12/09 14:05:39 - [DLL] - **** CommandLine [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype\hl.exe -nomaster -game cstrike ]
2014/12/09 14:05:39 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
2014/12/09 14:05:39 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
2014/12/09 14:05:39 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
2014/12/09 14:05:39 - [DLL] - **** Open success
2014/12/09 14:05:39 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
2014/12/09 14:05:39 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
2014/12/09 14:05:40 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
2014/12/09 14:05:40 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
2014/12/09 14:05:40 - [DLL] - **** searching...
2014/12/09 14:05:40 - [DLL] - **** Waiting for game initialization...
2014/12/09 14:05:52 - [DLL] - **** found...[600ae]
2014/12/09 14:05:52 - [DLL] - **** Half-Life protocol 47
2014/12/09 14:05:52 - [DLL] -hooking...
2014/12/09 14:05:53 - [DLL] -result...[0]
2014/12/09 14:05:53 - [DLL] - **** Message [0]
2014/12/09 14:05:53 - [DLL] - **** Hooked
2014/12/09 14:05:53 - [DLL] - **** Message S [0]
2014/12/09 14:05:53 - [DLL] - **** Message SD [0]
2014/12/09 14:05:53 - [DLL] - **** Message SS [0]
2014/12/09 14:05:53 - [DLL] - **** Message SSD [0]
2014/12/09 14:05:53 - [DLL] - **** Message SSI [0]
2014/12/09 14:05:54 - [DLL] - **** Message SA [0]
2014/12/09 14:05:54 - [DLL] - **** Screening command[1]
2014/12/09 14:05:54 - [DLL] - **** Backup ready
2014/12/09 14:05:55 - [DLL] - **** ControlTime [1421671]
2014/12/09 14:05:55 - [DLL] - **** Finish [2496]
2014/12/09 14:05:55 - [DLL] - **** Engine OK
2014/12/09 14:05:57 - [DLL] - **** Validations ready
2014/12/09 14:05:57 - [DLL] - **** Removing...
2014/12/09 14:05:57 - [DLL] - **** Removed
2014/12/09 14:05:57 - [DLL] - **** Removed
2014/12/09 14:05:57 - [DLL] - **** OGL success
2014/12/09 14:05:58 - [DLL] - **** Gateway installed
2014/12/09 14:05:58 - [DLL] - **** SET success
2014/12/09 14:05:58 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
2014/12/09 14:06:01 - [DLL] - **** FS
2014/12/09 14:06:01 - [DLL] - **** UPL
2014/12/09 14:06:02 - [DLL] - **** Modules OK
2014/12/09 14:06:02 - [DLL] - **** Sync OK
2014/12/09 14:06:06 - [DLL] - **** Scheduler done
2014/12/09 14:06:06 - [DLL] - **** Chain Up & Running
2014/12/09 14:06:06 - [DLL] - **** DEP Status: Disabled
2014/12/09 14:06:07 - [DLL] - **** READY .-
2014/12/09 14:06:07 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
2014/12/09 14:06:14 - [DLL] -[------------------------------------------]
2014/12/09 14:06:14 - [DLL] -Protocol version 47
2014/12/09 14:06:14 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
2014/12/09 14:06:14 - [DLL] -Exe build: 10:56:59 Oct 3 2005 (3266)

2014/12/09 14:06:14 - [DLL] -[------------------------------------------]
2014/12/09 14:06:14 - [DLL] - **** CMD REPLACED .-
2014/12/09 14:06:53 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 14:06:53 - [DLL] - **** Game bpp [32]
2014/12/09 14:06:54 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL version (2.1.2)
2014/12/09 14:06:54 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL vendor (NVIDIA Corporation)
2014/12/09 14:06:54 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL renderer(GeForce 6200/AGP/SSE2)
2014/12/09 14:06:58 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 14:06:58 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 14:06:58 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 14:10:26 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 14:10:31 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 14:10:31 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 14:10:31 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 14:10:33 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 14:10:39 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 14:10:42 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 14:10:42 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 14:10:54 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 14:10:56 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 14:10:56 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 14:10:57 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 14:32:50 - [DLL] -(ERROR) critical thread paused or killed!
2014/12/09 14:32:50 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 14:32:50 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 14:32:50 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 14:32:51 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 14:32:51 - [DLL] -If you experience problems using sXe Injected please contact [email protected]
2014/12/09 14:32:51 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 14:32:51 - [DLL] -Si estas experimentando problemas con el sXe Injected por favor contacta a [email protected]
2014/12/09 14:32:52 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 14:32:52 - [DLL] -Se você tiver problemas usando sXe Injected por favor contato [email protected]
2014/12/09 14:32:52 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 14:32:59 - [CLT] - Game closed with exit code (1)
2014/12/09 14:33:03 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](1392) injecting on PID (1568) -> (ALLOW)[1]
2014/12/09 14:33:03 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [1568][hl.exe]
2014/12/09 14:33:04 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\Archivos de programa\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]
2014/12/09 14:33:06 - [CLT] - Injected OK
2014/12/09 14:33:09 - [CLT] - DEP configured for [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype\hl.exe]
2014/12/09 14:33:15 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 14:33:15 - [DLL] -------------------
2014/12/09 14:33:15 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting
2014/12/09 14:33:15 - [DLL] -version: 15.2 (Fix 4)
2014/12/09 14:33:16 - [DLL] - **** Hooking method 2
2014/12/09 14:33:16 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype]
2014/12/09 14:33:16 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype]
2014/12/09 14:33:16 - [DLL] - **** CommandLine [C:\Archivos de programa\Skype\hl.exe -nomaster -game cstrike ]
2014/12/09 14:33:17 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]
2014/12/09 14:33:17 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected
2014/12/09 14:33:17 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization
2014/12/09 14:33:17 - [DLL] - **** Open success
2014/12/09 14:33:17 - [DLL] - **** Link ready
2014/12/09 14:33:18 - [DLL] - **** Image ready
2014/12/09 14:33:18 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...
2014/12/09 14:33:18 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL
2014/12/09 14:33:18 - [DLL] - **** searching...
2014/12/09 14:33:18 - [DLL] - **** Waiting for game initialization...
2014/12/09 14:33:26 - [DLL] - **** found...[800ae]
2014/12/09 14:33:26 - [DLL] - **** Half-Life protocol 47
2014/12/09 14:33:26 - [DLL] -hooking...
2014/12/09 14:33:26 - [DLL] -result...[0]
2014/12/09 14:33:26 - [DLL] - **** Message [0]
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Hooked
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Message S [0]
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Message SD [0]
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Message SS [0]
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Message SSD [0]
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Message SSI [0]
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Message SA [0]
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Screening command[1]
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Backup ready
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** ControlTime [3074265]
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Finish [1568]
2014/12/09 14:33:27 - [DLL] - **** Engine OK
2014/12/09 14:33:33 - [DLL] - **** Validations ready
2014/12/09 14:33:33 - [DLL] - **** Removing...
2014/12/09 14:33:33 - [DLL] - **** Removed
2014/12/09 14:33:34 - [DLL] - **** Removed
2014/12/09 14:33:34 - [DLL] - **** OGL success
2014/12/09 14:33:34 - [DLL] - **** Gateway installed
2014/12/09 14:33:34 - [DLL] - **** SET success
2014/12/09 14:33:34 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
2014/12/09 14:33:37 - [DLL] - **** FS
2014/12/09 14:33:37 - [DLL] - **** UPL
2014/12/09 14:33:37 - [DLL] - **** Modules OK
2014/12/09 14:33:38 - [DLL] - **** Sync OK
2014/12/09 14:33:45 - [DLL] - **** Scheduler done
2014/12/09 14:33:47 - [DLL] - **** Chain Up & Running
2014/12/09 14:33:47 - [DLL] - **** DEP Status: Disabled
2014/12/09 14:33:47 - [DLL] - **** READY .-
2014/12/09 14:33:47 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready
2014/12/09 14:33:52 - [DLL] -[------------------------------------------]
2014/12/09 14:33:52 - [DLL] -Protocol version 47
2014/12/09 14:33:52 - [DLL] - **** SET VP
2014/12/09 14:33:52 - [DLL] -Exe build: 10:56:59 Oct 3 2005 (3266)

2014/12/09 14:33:52 - [DLL] -[------------------------------------------]
2014/12/09 14:33:52 - [DLL] - **** CMD REPLACED .-
2014/12/09 14:35:36 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 14:35:36 - [DLL] - **** Game bpp [32]
2014/12/09 14:35:38 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL version (2.1.2)
2014/12/09 14:35:38 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL vendor (NVIDIA Corporation)
2014/12/09 14:35:38 - [DLL] - **** OpenGL renderer(GeForce 6200/AGP/SSE2)
2014/12/09 14:35:39 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 14:35:39 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 14:35:40 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:03:21 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:03:24 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:03:26 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:03:26 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:03:29 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:03:34 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:03:35 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:03:35 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:03:47 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:03:50 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:03:52 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:03:52 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:07:48 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:07:50 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:07:50 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:07:50 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:07:56 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:08:01 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:08:01 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:08:01 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:08:14 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:08:16 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:08:16 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:08:16 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:15:18 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:15:19 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:15:20 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:15:20 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:15:24 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:15:27 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:15:29 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:15:30 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:15:41 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:15:45 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:15:47 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:15:47 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:29:41 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:29:46 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:29:47 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:29:47 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:29:49 - [DLL] -connected!
2014/12/09 15:29:55 - [DLL] - **** Validating player models...
2014/12/09 15:29:56 - [DLL] - **** Remote Ip:
2014/12/09 15:29:56 - [DLL] -rate(25000) cl_updaterate(101) cl_cmdrate(101) developer(0) fps_max(101) fps_modem(0)
2014/12/09 15:42:42 - [DLL] -(ERROR) critical thread paused or killed!
2014/12/09 15:42:42 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 15:42:42 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 15:42:42 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 15:42:42 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 15:42:42 - [DLL] -If you experience problems using sXe Injected please contact [email protected]
2014/12/09 15:42:42 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 15:42:43 - [DLL] -Si estas experimentando problemas con el sXe Injected por favor contacta a [email protected]
2014/12/09 15:42:43 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 15:42:43 - [DLL] -Se você tiver problemas usando sXe Injected por favor contato [email protected]
2014/12/09 15:42:43 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 15:42:43 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 15:42:43 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 15:42:43 - [DLL] -
2014/12/09 15:42:44 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 15:42:44 - [DLL] -If you experience problems using sXe Injected please contact [email protected]
2014/12/09 15:42:44 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 15:42:44 - [DLL] -Si estas experimentando problemas con el sXe Injected por favor contacta a [email protected]
2014/12/09 15:42:44 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014/12/09 15:42:44 - [DLL] -Se você tiver problemas usando sXe Injected por favor contato [email protected]
2014/12/09 15:42:44 - [DLL] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Todo el error, ahí dice que le mandes un correo a soporte de sXe. Dudo que ten bola acá, esto es el Off-Topic, hacelo en soporte al post :/
Yo tengo el mismo error. Y te digo por experiencia. Si vas al soporte del injected no te van a dar una solucion. Te van a decir:
"Seguro tenés una pc media chota"
Y es la verdad. Se ve que el injected consume mucho y se cierra. Es como si se te congelara el juego.
Te recomiendo esto:
- si tenés un antivirus desactivalo.
-desactiva el firewall de windows.
-cerrá cualquier programa en ejecución.

Hace esto sólo cuando abras el injected y el juego.
Básicamente si hace eso, pone en peligro su pc aunque funcione. Avisa siempre los riesgos!